The Proficient Pilot VOL:III

The Proficient Pilot VOL:III

The Proficient Pilot VOL:III

Code : 9252
In the proficient pilot series Barry Schiff provides a wealth of valuable information based on his years of experience. With more than 25,000 hours in 250 types of aircraft, has received worldwide recognition for his aviation accomplishments.
£12.50 Ex VAT (£12.50 Inc VAT)
Availability: 1 In Stock
He has earned every FAA category and class rating and every possible instructors rating.Developing and maintaining proficiency at the controls is a key concern for pilots of all levels. Volume 3 Flying Wisdom - Flying Wisdom is packed with valuable experiences and knowledge that go beyond the wealth of flying know-how in The Proficient Pilot Vol 1 & 2. Freely sharing his wisdom in a personal manner, Schiff deals with the human element in flight, combining his experiences seamlessly with the technical details and instructions necessary for flying safety and proficiency. Covers subjects such as; Deep Stalls, The Black Hole Approach, Altimetry, the myth of the down-wind turn, pilot fatigue and survival. As well as different types of ILS approaches and crew resource management. A valuable book for pilots and an excellent read for anyone interested in aviation. B&W, 342 page, Softback.
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